Friday, October 28, 2011

Pictures by Ross...

Over the summer, Ross and his lady, Stacy stayed at the house with Kendra and Tom.  They are awesome dudes and they make an awesome zine call Pink Crack.  Ross also takes rad photos of his friends, his friends skateboarding and his friends playing music.  It's all pretty good.  Check him out here: and 

Lil' porky, what a cute baby!

Prints will be available.  Let me know if you're interested. 

Strange Bird & Strange Skull.

It's ALL for sale! Here's your chance!

Three flash sets for you from me!  Above is 6 pages for $80.

This one is a 12 pages in ONE bold color!  40 very tattoo-able images for $120.  What a deal.

Here's an old one, but it isn't terrible.  Five sheets for the low price of $50... email me if you interested.

Quick wolf.

Here's a wolf with one extra eye and some extra human teeth.